

Animal Charter

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Your pet is welcome in our establishment if you respect our rules for good behaviour to prove your respect towards our other guests.

On arrival at our establishment, we ask you to sign our animal charter setting out the following list of rules.

1.  My pet is up to date with all his vaccinations.

2. I will NEVER, even for the slightest instant, leave mypet ALONE in the room or the Mobil-Home or at the camping location that I have rented.

3. If by accident my pet should defecate at the Campsite or at the Hotel Les Sources, I will take the responsibility of clearing this up immediately.

4. If I am staying in a Mobil-Home or at the Hotel I take the responsibility for stopping my pet from jumping on the beds since hairs could get on to the bed spread and covers. Certain guests are allergic.

5. I will ALWAYS keep my pet on a lead or leash on the Sources site because there are other petss about and many children.

If you wish, you have the opportunity of downloading our Animal Charter to fill in, sign and give to us when you arrive.